2021-present: EXUPU “Experto Universitario en Pedagogía Universitaria”, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.
2019: PhD Defense: Developing, Applying and Testing FILMIP: the Filmic Metaphor Identification Procedure.
2016: “Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching”, Lancaster University
2015: “Methods for statistical inference”, Universitat Jaume I
2015: Summer School “Methods for Metaphor Identification and Analysis”, organized by the Metaphor Lab, UVA (Amsterdam)
2014: “How to Read a Mind” (Cognitive Poetics). University of Nottingham
2009: CAP, Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, 2009, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.
1998-2003: Bachelor’s Degree on English Studies, 1998-2003, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.
Abroad Stays
3-months PhD Research Stay at the Metaphor Geeks Lab, embedded within the International Center for Intercultural Exchange, Siena, under the supervision of Dr. Marianna Bolognesi, 2017.
International Student Exchange Program between UJI and Shawnee State University, Ohio, USA, 2003.
2ND PRIZE WINNER of the International Research Pitch Contest, 2017, organized by theCompostela Group of Universities.
2ND PRIZE WINNER of Universitat Jaume I Research Pitch Contest 2016.
1ST PRIZE WINNER of XII Innovation and Creativity in Education, INCREA, UJI, 2015. Winning project: http://www.braintolearn.uji.es
Conference presentations
Bort-Mir, Lorena (2021). Longhand over laptop use of the Guided Learning Diary (GLD): A definitive guide to the design of learning diaries to foster academic success. EN 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2021). Online: IATED.
Bort-Mir, Lorena (2020). Workshop: Identifying metaphorical elements in films with FILMIP: the Filmic Metaphor Identification Procedure. EN 13th Conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM 2020). Online.
Bort-Mir, Lorena (2019). Using Penzu as academic online diaries to enhance metacognitive skills in Higher Education. EN iTECLA international conference on Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age: Building up Telecollaborative Networks. Valencia, España.
Lorena Bort-Mir and Marianna Bolognesi. Understanding the mental operations during filmic metaphor processing: a think aloud experiment. Metaphor Festival, University of Amsterdam, 2018.
Lorena Bort-Mir. Introducing FILMIP: a method for metaphor identification in moving pictures. Metaphor Festival, University of Amsterdam, 2017.
Workshop by invitation: Applying FILMIP: the filmic metaphor identification procedure. UVA, Amsterdam, 2017.
Lorena Bort-Mir. Desarrollando la Herramienta DAG: Diario de Aprendizaje Guiado para Promover y Evaluar los Procesos Metacognitivos de los Estudiantes en la Educación Superior. Congreso virtual ATIDES, Avances en Tecnología, Innovación y Desafíos de la Educación Superior, Oct. 2016, UJI. International.
Lorena Bort-Mir. A method for filmic metaphors identification in TV commercials. IV International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse. Castellón (UJI). International. 2015.
Keynote speaker (by invitation). Lorena Bort-Mir. Adult Brain: Game of Metaphors to Undestand the Internet, 4th International Conference on Elderly and New Technologies, Universitat Jaume I, International, 2015.
Lorena Bort-Mir. ConverStand: new software for enhancing task and domain specific metacognitive skills for a better knowledge acquisition in Higher Education. XXXIII Congreso Internacional de AESLA. International. Madrid, 2015
Lorena Bort-Mir. Much Ado About Nothing? ICT: Revitalizing Literature Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. XIX Jornadas de Fomento de la Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Castellón (UJI), 2014
Lorena Bort-Mir. Romeo and Juliet. Luhrman vs. Zeffirelli: A Contrastive Analysis of both films. Jornadas de Fomento a la Investigación de Filología Inglesa. Castellón (UJI), 2006.
Member of…
2021- present: Member of the GALE research group, Applied Linguistics Department, Universitat Politècnica de València.
Elected Ordinary member of the Executive Committee at the Researching and Applying Metaphor Association (UK).
2015-2021: Member of the research group GReSCA: Research Group on Contrastive and Applied Linguistics, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. www.gresca.uji.es
Teaching experience in Higher Education
Invited professor at the English for International Trade Master, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón.
Full Time PhD Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics, UPV, ETSINF, 2021-present.
Workshop by invitation: Applying FilMip, the filmic metaphor identification procedure. During the Metaphor Festival, University of Amsterdam, August 2017.
Part-Time Associate Lecturer at the English Studies Department, 2015-2021, Universitat Jaume I,Castellón, España.
Seminar by invitation “La familia, los menores y las nuevas tecnologías, ¿cómo convivir?”. 7horas, 2015. Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.
Seminar by invitation “Las TIC en el aula: una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender”, 2011,Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, España.